Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I believe the world stood still today at this moment ...

This is what I was thinking at 11:55 until President Elect Obama was sworn in as the President of the United States. The kids didn’t say this but we weren’t at the inauguration. We weren’t able to get our personal information to security in time for clearance, so we actually watched the inauguration from our wonderful hotel. It wasn’t really a problem because we watched it on really nice televisions with everyone else at our hotel. There are many things I will remember but I think I will remember the roar of the crowds when Obama was introduced to the audience. Also, when he was sworn in, everyone stood up and started clapping and cheering. You would have thought we were at the Titans-Ravens game a couple weeks ago. (Sorry Titans fans!) Instead we were witnessing one of the most historical moments in our life times. When the crowd was told to stand for the actual swearing in people at the hotel stood, too. The police officers took off their hats and everything. There are two people that stand out in my mind during the ceremonies. There was an older African American woman crying from the moment the ceremony started until it was over. I could only imagine what she has seen in her lifetime and what she was thinking of at that exact moment. She made me think of my grandmother who passed in June. She could care less about politics but other people’s victories were her own. There was also a young Caucasian American that was there to cover the day. She cried as soon as Pres. Obama was sworn in and didn’t stop until she had to leave. I really think she forgot she was there to get a story. It was a very personal moment for her. My morning was exciting. I am forever grateful to everyone who made this day possible. To all those who fought for civil rights, for democracy, for the opportunity to pursue our goals whatever they may be.


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